"A body is defined by having length, width and depth." (Euclid)

In his Philosophy of Nature, Aristotle employs the three dimensions of the body as the basis for his theory of space. For Aristotle, space is the sum of all places occupied by bodies. Space is defined as the limit of the surrounding body toward what is surrounded. This is a theory of relations by which Aristotle rejects the definition of space as the void. Empty space is an impossibility since space is always occupied and there can be no in between.

If aside from the space a body occupies an empty space existed which it enters, empty space and occupied space would overlap, resulting in an unnecessary duplication of space" (Aristotle, Physics).

This year's Paraflows exhibition, titled UN_SPACE, is going to focus on inaccessible, invisible, theoretical, and immaterial space per se. Virtual spaces - a prominent issue in media and net art - as well as social and personal space dimensions and territories (see Erving Goffman, Territorien des Selbst) and real spaces like architectonic, geographic, or elementary, are to be compiled, visualised, and discussed according to their characteristics, their meaning, and their respective insufficiencies.

We also think of UN_SPACE as the elimination of distances, borders and barriers interfering with cultural, social, political and media reality. Concepts dealing with the development of inaccessible territories, technical approaches and theoretical attempts are key aspects of this year's exhibition.